Presentations, articles & tutorials

One of the best things about open source communities is that information is freely shared and made available. We have all benefited greatly from this attitude and should all make an effort the add to the collective knowledge base.

Over the years I have given many presentations, written countless tutorials and published quite a few articles on web related issues. Here are some of the most recent and relevant examples.

If you have a matter of particular interest, please feel free to contact me!

  • WooCommerce & FSE

    It would be natural to assume that the traditional process of customizing Woo php templates in a “woocommerce” folder in your theme would still apply, but that is incorrect!

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  • Patterns in WP after 6.3

    Patterns now come in two types: synced and unsynced What we used to know as reusable blocks are now called synced patterns, but they behave in almost the same fashion

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  • WordPress Full Site Editing

    As of version 6.0 WordPress includes full site editing as an option for those themes that support it. We will go through the advantages, pitfalls and some useful work-arounds for using the full site editing experience and how to configure a custom theme in this new environment.

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